I feel happy today. Happy and secure. Happy and secure and excited. I'm sure the glorious weather we're having currently is contributing to it. My itching has not disappeared, but it's less intense and thought-consuming than it was previously. I'm definitely in the "waddling" stage, and simple movements like getting in and out of the car are more of a challenge than they've ever been. All in all though, I'm feeling healthy and content.
I had a doctor's appointment today, and will continue seeing her every week until it's go-time. I've only gained 1 lb. in the last week, so I was able to avoid the fairly frequent lectures that she dishes out. For those of you who are curious, I've gained a grand total of 37 lbs. so far. Is that really so bad? Next week, I'll have my strep B test, she'll check my cervix (I assume to see if it's starting to prepare itself for the impending event), and will have an ultrasound. THAT is the part that Andy and I are both excited about. It seems strange, but we sort of MISS Rowan. We haven't gotten to actually lay eyes on him since I was at 19 weeks, and it'll be nice to check in and see what he's up to in there.
We'll take care of a few of the final details this weekend, including things like packing a bag, purchasing a stroller and maybe a laundry hamper for the nursery, and since I'm off work tomorrow I may try to find a couple of decent nursing bras. Apparently those things come in handy. Last weekend I bought a sleep shirt and a pair of maternity sweatpants, which are wonderful. Before I was pregnant, it never would have dawned on me that my loosest normal-person clothing would someday be WAAAY too small, but yep, it's happened. I'm still relying on Andy's generosity and willingness to share his clothing, but even his stuff is too small for me to be truly cozy much of the time. I tolerate things that "fit" for work, but when I get home, I want to be swimming in my clothing.
I miss my parents. Between my Dad's recent back surgery and my certainty that I shouldn't be traveling 6 hours away from my doctor at this point, it's not feasible for us to get together, and that sucks. I last saw them at Easter, and even though we don't normally get together more than once every few months, just knowing that we CAN'T makes it harder. I know they'll come down when Rowan arrives, and as anxious as I am for him to get here, and to see them, I hope he takes his time, so Dad has plenty of heal-up time before having to make the long trip.
I also miss my sister. You out there, Amanda? Nothing wrong with your back, so feel free to visit your Evansville-bound sister whenever you can...Just kidding; my husband is more than capable of keeping me company in the absence of far-off family members. I've been thinking about the trip we took to visit her a year ago when she was living in Arizona, and I want to go back! Again, just knowing I'm stuck here makes EVERYWHERE ELSE seem pretty attractive at the moment. I'll get to leave Evansville again someday though, right? Right?!