Friday, May 23, 2008

This is it...

Today's my last day of work until September 16. It hasn't really hit me yet, but I'm sure it will soon. I'm at 38 weeks today, and am ready for this kid to arrive any time he's ready to. Everything's still just going wonderfully, though I am regretting my last-day-of-work dress, which makes me look even bigger than I actually am. We wear purple every Friday around here (yay, school spirit), and this dress makes me look like a massive grape. Of course, Andy felt this morning was an appropriate time to take pictures "so we can remember how big you were." Thanks, sweetie.

I'm looking forward to enjoying what will likely be the last weekend of relative peace and quiet with my hubby. We'll be celebrating our 7th anniversary on Monday. I feel lucky to have him as a husband, and am glad Rowan has him as a father.


Whitni said...

I am so excited for the two of you! Whoo!

And I like Grapes :) Grimace :) Love you! Ha - I'm in Michigan and you can't hit me! LOL

Anonymous said...

You have much to be thankful for - and looking cute as a "grape" is only one of them...

Anonymous said...

You may never be that big again! Unless Rowan gets a sister or brother...
Good luck with the first one!