Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Curiouser and curiouser...

I had the BEST appointment with the nurse practitioner today. For starters, I LOST a pound since last week, which hasn't happened since I've gotten through morning sickness. Then, she tells me my group B strep test from last week came back negative, which is great news. And THEN, she checks my cervix and finds that it's halfway thinned out (effaced), and I'm dilated 1cm. This apparently doesn't mean that I'm more likely to go into labor anytime soon, but obviously the closer I can get to effaced and dilated now, the less work I'll have to do in labor later, which is good news to me. And to top it all off, she said she actually touched the top of his head, to confirm that he is fact "dropped" and in the proper position. How freaking wierd is that...Of course, Andy immediately said that HE wants to touch Rowan's head, but since he's not a trained medical professional, I politely declined his request. He'll just have to wait, like everybody else:).

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