Friday, February 8, 2008

Peace and Gratitude

This week has been pretty insane at work, and we've been struggling to get things done so we can have a little weekend getaway without breaking the budget. I haven't really taken the time recently to just contemplate how wonderful things are right now. It seems that the times I do get to focus on my own feelings and the miracle taking place in my body, all that I do is focus on the aches and pains, the difficulty sleeping, and the stress associated with this huge change in my life.

So, as a way to end this week with some peace and gratitude, and with keeping with my Lenten determination to exclude worry from my life as much as possible, I am taking this moment to acknowledge all the blessings in my life right now. I have a wonderful husband who's helped me to create this wonderful little boy growing inside of me. I love these two boys more than anything in the world, so much that it takes my breath away and brings tears to my eyes. I am so grateful that I and this baby both are perfectly healthy and are growing right on schedule, as we enter the 23rd week of pregnancy. I have countless family members and friends that love me and provide me with any support and encouragement I might need. I have a comfortable home that continues to be my place of solace after a long day. I have what I need in terms of food, security, and love. I have a job that fills my days with purpose. What more could I ask for?

Next week looks as though it'll be every bit as busy as this week has been, with work responsibilities that will have me at the office 2-3 evenings as well as full days. This weekend I plan to relax with some of my favorite people and I resolve to return on Sunday with recharged batteries and the strength to face whatever life throws at me, knowing how lucky I've been to have all that I do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We certainly do have much to be happy about. I worry sometimes that our lives are so fast paced and busy that we never take the time to sit down, take a deep breath, exhale, and just reflect on what is most important - our family.

I am looking forward to getting out of town this weekend and doing some of that relaxing!
