Some of you have been asking when I'm going to post a pic of my current roundness, so here you go. Unfortunately, some of the people I love most aren't close enough for me to see on a regular basis, but hopefully this will tide you over for now. Can't remember if I've mentioned this or not previously, but we don't currently have a digital camera, so this picture is courtesy of Mom and Dad, who visited this weekend. This was a great visit; we always love having them here. My dad wanted me to allow them to write "I love Aunt Amanda," on the belly for my sister, who's one of those aforementioned people who doesn't live locally, but that wouldn't be appropriate for public (or private, for that matter) viewing. My belly is still more lumpy than gorgeously round, and I'm not sure about the idea of using it as a canvas for conveying messages:).
I've been feeling pretty well; the itching has started to subside, for which I'm extremely grateful, and I swear I felt like I got elbowed in the rib this morning. Strange...my precious Rowan is getting bigger and more active all the time. I do feel like I'm continuing to lose my mind a little. I had a very restful night of sleep last night, for the first time in a while, but I think I slept almost too soundly. I got up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, and my mind wandered to work, but it took me a minute to remember what I actually do for a living. Very wierd, but not altogether unpleasant...
I'm starting to feel more confident in my ability to be a good parent; I've always had confidence in my husband's abilities in this department, so that definitely helps. Andy and I were talking last night about what a special time this has been, both in our lives in general and in our marriage specifically. I feel very blessed to have him to share this with, and think that our son is quite lucky to have him as a father. There is still a lot of planning to do, and some pieces that have yet to fall into place, but I think we can do this. I'm looking forward to bringing Rowan home and showering him with love and attention. I have no doubt that it'll be the toughest and most satisfying thing I've ever done.
Belly! I love it! You look incredible!
You write very well.
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