Friday, October 26, 2007

8 weeks in...

Today I'm offically 8 weeks pregnant, which is at least 2-3 weeks longer than I've ever gone. In general, I'm feeling better than I did previously. I'm still occasionally nauseous, but more often I'm ravenous, and suddenly, but it's hard to find things that sound good. This means I have times like last night, where I got into bed exhausted at around 10:30pm. As I lay there trying to sleep, I just started crying. My hubby, who I was a little annoyed at for something relatively minor, came in to check on me. I explained that I was pissed at him, exhausted, stressed, and very hungry, but nothing sounded appealing. He started suggesting things, trying to be helpful.

"Would you like some yogurt?"
"How about cereal?"
"Chicken sandwich?"
"Absolutely not!"
"Hamburger from McDonald's?"
(pause) "Make it a cheeseburger with no onions, please."

So, as quick as humanly possible, he grabs his keys and is out the door. I'm laying in bed crying for no reason, other than I'm pregnant, and I assume hormonal. He got back quickly, and I ate two double cheeseburgers in about 5 minutes, there in bed, took a few swigs of diet pepsi and fell blissfully asleep. It was kind of a rough episode for both of us I think.

That's been another problem pretty well from the beginning: I sleep like the dead until maybe 4-5AM, then am tossing and turning until it's time to get up. And when I finally get up, I feel like a zombie for a full 30 minutes or so before I start to be able to see and walk and function semi-normally. And I'm totally in zombie-mode when I wake up to pee in the middle of the night, too. I'm disoriented, and it's challenging to figure out where or who I am. Very strange.

Thankfully, I have the best husband on the planet who's willing to love (and tolerate) me no matter how nutty I am. It's not like it just started when I got pregnant; he's known me for close to 9 years, and I've always been a handful. Lucky him, and lucky me:).

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