Friday, November 16, 2007

11 weeks down, 29 to go

Well, we've made it through another long week, me and my fetus. Yes, it's official, as of yesterday he/she became a fetus instead of an embryo. I've never had a fetus before! Pretty exciting stuff.

This has been a tough week since I've spent most of it struggling with the same cold I wrote about last time. I actually missed work on Tuesday, which is pretty unlike me. I call in sick maybe once a year, except for those yearly surgeries I've had (see early posts) that have led to more lengthy work absences. I'm still pretty early on in my career, and feel the pressure to be an all-star in the office. Come to think of it, that may be exactly why this cold hit me so hard; I've been going non-stop, and with this precious parasite sucking away valuable energy, it's no wonder my immune system is shot!

As usual, this is an excellent time to brag on my Andy, who came home from work on Monday with a humidifier, Vicks Vapo Rub, saline nose spray, cough drops, and a willingness to take care of me. I've spent the last few nights in the "sick suite," aka spare bedroom, so my coughing doesn't keep us both awake, but I look forward to rejoining him in our room in the near future.

I've also had some mild pain in my abdominal area, which always makes me nervous, but the nurse practitioner told us that I may have pain that feels like menstrual cramps at times, and as long as the pain's not severe and I'm not seeing blood, I refuse to panic. I'll see the doctor again on Monday for a regular check-up, so hopefully she'll have plenty of reassuring things to say.

We're both so excited for that appointment, and the trips next week to visit our familes for Thanksgiving! I'm ready to tell everyone our good news and start celebrating and planning for the next few crazy months. I'm also ready to tell my work what's going on, as I become more self-conscious every day of my ever-increasing baby bump. It's probably not noticeable to anyone else, but it certainly will be soon!

Most of this weekend will be spent relaxing at home, though we'll try to make it to an Aces game tomorrow. Keep sending us your positive thoughts, and by this time next week, there will be a lot more people "in the know" who can do the same.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOO WOOOO! Just a few more days till the Dr appointment and telling everyone! IT"S ABOUT TIME!!!!